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// Implement filtering by first letter of country name $('.rate-index a', $modal).click(function (e) { $('.rate-index a').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); var filter_by = $(this).text(); $rate_items .parent() .hide() .end() .filter(function () { return $(this).text().substr(0, 1) == filter_by; }) .parent() .show(); }); } }, '#listOfRates': { href: site_config.modal_content.full_rates }, '#intCountriesModal': { href: site_config.modal_content.international_countries }, '#intVideoModal': { href: site_config.modal_content.intro_video }, '#whyFBModal': { href: site_config.modal_content.why_fb }, '#listOfRatesPromo': { href: site_config.modal_content.full_rates_promo }, '#loginModal': { href: site_config.modal_content.login_modal }, '#intHowToModal': { href: site_config.modal_content.how_to_video }, '#unlimitedSocialAccess': { href: site_config.modal_content.unlimitedSocialAccess }, '#multipleSims': { href: site_config.modal_content.multipleSims }, '#runsOnOptus': { href: site_config.modal_content.runsOnOptus }, '#prepayMonthlybilling': { href: site_config.modal_content.prepayMonthlybilling }, '#noContracts': { href: site_config.modal_content.noContracts }, // useful for general messages '#messageModal': { href: site_config.modal_content.message, init: function (params) { $modal = $(this); 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if (target && target.hasClass("modal")) { $(window).off('scroll.modal'); } }) // call init handler if one is defined if ('init' in modal_def) { $.proxy(modal_def.init, $modal)(init_params); } } }) .on('hidden', function (e) { var target = $(; if (target && target.hasClass("modal")) { //console.log("modal hidden: destroying modal"); $modal.remove(); } }) .modal(options) .one('hide', function (e) { var target = $(; if (target && target.hasClass("modal")) { $('body').focus() } }) }); } else { //console.log("click.yatango.modal: ERROR: cannot find modal content for " + modal_id); } }, setupModals: function () { $('body').on('click.yatango.modal', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function (e) { var $this = $(this) var modal_id = $this.attr('data-target'); //console.log(modal_id + " Modal id") e.preventDefault(); // NOTE: we pass the data attributes from the element // so we can pass params to the modal init function yatangoUtils.showModal(modal_id, $; }); } } //login form functions function forgotPassword() { $('#loginContainer').fadeOut(100, function () { $('#forgotPasswordContainer').fadeIn(100); }); var validateFieldEmail = new LiveValidation('field_email', { onValid: updateFieldClass, onInvalid: updateFieldClass, onlyOnBlur: true }); validateFieldEmail.add(Validate.Email); $("#field_email").click(function () { resetEmailError(""); }); $("#forgotPassSubmit").click(function () { if ($('#field_email').val() == "") { $("#resetErrorText").html("Enter your email address"); } else sendResetRequest($('#field_email')); }); } function sendResetRequest(emailField) { var dataString = 'field_email=' + emailField.val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "forgot_pwd.cfm?" + dataString, async: false, timeout: site_config.ajax_timeout, cache: false, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { if (data && data.success) { finishPassReset(); } else { resetEmailError(data.ResponseText); } }, error: function (e) { resetEmailError("An error has occured. Please try again."); } }); return false; } function cancelPassReset() { $('#forgotPasswordContainer').fadeOut(100, function () { $('#loginContainer').fadeIn(100); }); } function finishPassReset() { $('#forgotPasswordContainer').fadeOut(100, function () { $('#passwordSentContainer').fadeIn(100); }); } function resetEmailError(errorMsg) { $('#resetErrorText span').text(errorMsg); } function loginUsernameError(errorMsg) { $('#loginErrorText span').text(errorMsg) } function newPasswordError(errorMsg) { $('#newPasswordErrorText span').text(errorMsg) } function updateFieldClass() { this.addFieldClass(); } function setupLoginValidation() { var validateUsername = new LiveValidation('username', { onValid: updateFieldClass, onInvalid: updateFieldClass, onlyOnBlur: true }); validateUsername.add(Validate.Custom, { against: verifyLoginField }); } function setupPasswordValidation() { var validatePassword = new LiveValidation('password', { onValid: updateFieldClass, onInvalid: updateFieldClass, onlyOnBlur: true }); validatePassword.add(Validate.Custom, { against: function () { return verifyPassword($("#password").val()) } }); var validateConfirmPassword = new LiveValidation('confirm_password', { onValid: updateFieldClass, onInvalid: updateFieldClass, onlyOnBlur: true }); validateConfirmPassword.add(Validate.Custom, { against: function () { return comparePassword($("#confirm_password").val(), $("#password").val()) } }); $("#resetPassSubmit").click(function () { if (verifyPassword($("#password").val()) && comparePassword($("#confirm_password").val(), $("#password").val())) { addLoaderAndOverlay(); sendPasswordReset(); } }); $("#modalContainer").on('click', '.modal-footer a', function () { yatangoUtils.showModal("#loginModal"); }); } function comparePassword(pass1, pass2) { if (pass1 != pass2) { newPasswordError("Your passwords do not match!"); return false } else { newPasswordError(""); return true; } } function verifyPassword(theString) { var regexOneLetter = /[a-zA-Z]/; var regexOneNumber = /[0-9]/; var regex = /^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*\d)[-+_!@#$%^&*().,?0-9a-zA-Z]{8,32}$/; if (testThis(regex, theString)) { // //console.log("success"); newPasswordError(""); return true; } else if (!testThis(regexOneLetter, theString)) { // //console.log("doesnt contain at least one letter a-z, A-Z"); newPasswordError("Your password must contain at least one letter - (a-z, A-Z)"); return false; } else if (!testThis(regexOneNumber, theString)) { // //console.log("doesnt contain at least one number 0-9"); newPasswordError("Your password must contain at least one number - (0-9)"); return false; } else if (testThis(regexOneLetter, theString) && testThis(regexOneNumber, theString) && !testThis(regex, theString)) { // //console.log("doesnt contain a minimum 8 characters"); newPasswordError("Your password must be between 8 and 32 characters and use only valid characters."); return false; } } function sendPasswordReset() { var dataString = 'password=' + $("#password").val() + '&token=' + $('input[name=token]').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "fajax_handler.cfm?function=change_password", async: false, timeout: site_config.ajax_timeout, cache: false, data: dataString, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { removeLoaderAndOverlay(); if (data && data.success) { yatangoUtils.showModal("#messageModal", { title: "Your password has been changed", body: "Click OK to login" }); } else { newPasswordError("An error has occured. Please try again."); } }, error: function (e) { removeLoaderAndOverlay(); newPasswordError("An error has occured. Please try again."); } }); return false; } function photoUploadListener() { $('#upload_photo_submit').click(function () { //console.log('clicked'); if (checkPhotoFormat()) { return ajaxFileUpload(); }; }); } function ajaxFileUpload() { $.ajaxFileUpload({ url: 'utilities/ajax_handler.cfm?function=upload_photo', // url:'doajaxfileupload.php', secureuri: false, async: false, timeout: site_config.ajax_timeout, fileElementId: 'fileToUpload', dataType: 'json', success: function (data, status) { if (typeof (data.error) != 'undefined') { if (data.error != '') { alert(data.error); } else { alert(data.msg); } } }, error: function (data, status, e) { alert(e); } }) return false; } function checkPhotoFormat() { var regex = /.*\.(gif)|(jpeg)|(jpg)|(png)$/; var el = $('#fileToUpload').val(); el = el.toLowerCase(); if (regex.test(el)) { //console.log('valid file format'); return true; } else { //console.log('File format must be jpg, jpeg, gif or png!'); return false; } }; function testThis(regex, theString) { if (regex.test(theString)) { return true; } else { return false } } function verifyLoginField() { //determine if username is email or phonenumber var username = $('#username').attr("value"); username = username.replace(/ /g, ''); if (isNaN(username)) { //validate as email var atpos = username.indexOf("@"); var dotpos = username.lastIndexOf("."); if (atpos < 1 || dotpos < atpos + 2 || dotpos + 2 >= username.length) { loginUsernameError("That is not a valid mobile number / email address!"); return false; } else { loginUsernameError(""); return true; } } else { //validate as mobile var mobileRegEx = /^\({0,1}((0|\+61)(2|4|3|7|8)){0,1}\){0,1}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{2}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{2}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{1}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{3}$/; if (mobileRegEx.test(username)) { loginUsernameErrortext(""); return true; } else { loginUsernameError("That is not a valid mobile number / email address!"); return false; } } } function checkforLoginModal(modal) { if (modal.attr('id') == 'loginModal') { loadCookiesAndData(); setupLoginValidation(); } } function storeTvPromoCookie() { $.cookie('hasVisitedPromo', true, { path: '/', expires: 30 }) } function loadCookiesAndData() { var remember = $.cookie('remember'); if (remember == 'true') { var username = $.cookie('username'); var password = $.cookie('password'); // autofill the fields $('#username').attr("value", username); $('#password').attr("value", password); $('#rememberMe').prop('checked', true); } if (typeof errorText === 'undefined') { return } else { $('#loginErrorText span').text(errorText); } } function saveCookies() { if ($('#rememberMe').attr('checked')) { var username = $('#username').attr("value"); var password = $('#password').attr("value"); // set cookies to expire in x days $.cookie('username', username, { expires: 35 }); $.cookie('password', password, { expires: 35 }); $.cookie('remember', true, { expires: 35 }); } else { // reset cookies $.cookie('username', null); $.cookie('password', null); $.cookie('remember', null); } } // login overlays function addLoaderAndOverlay() { //add .overlay class to document var overlay = document.createElement("div"); overlay.setAttribute("id","overlay"); overlay.setAttribute("class", "overlay"); 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