var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); (function (e) { e.fn.layerSlider = function (n) { if ((typeof n).match("object|undefined")) { return this.each(function (e) { new t(this, n) }) } else { if (n == "data") { var r = e(this).data("LayerSlider").g; if (r) { return r } } else { return this.each(function (t) { var r = e(this).data("LayerSlider"); if (r) { if (!r.g.isAnimating) { if (typeof n == "number") { if (n > 0 && n < r.g.layersNum + 1 && n != r.g.curLayerIndex) { r.change(n) } } else { switch (n) { case "prev": r.o.cbPrev(); r.prev("clicked"); break; case "next": r.o.cbNext();"clicked"); break; case "start": if (!r.g.autoSlideshow) { r.o.cbStart(); r.g.originalAutoSlideshow = true; r.start() } break; case "debug":; break } } } if ((r.g.autoSlideshow || !r.g.autoSlideshow && r.g.originalAutoSlideshow) && n == "stop") { r.o.cbStop(); r.g.originalAutoSlideshow = false; r.g.curLayer.find('iframe[src*="www.youtu"], iframe[src*="player.vimeo"]').each(function () { clearTimeout(e(this).data("videoTimer")) }); r.stop() } } }) } } }; var t = function (n, r) { var i = this; i.$el = e(n).addClass("ls-container"); i.$"LayerSlider", i); i.load = function () { i.o = e.extend({}, t.options, r); i.g = e.extend({},; if (!i.g.initialized) { i.g.initialized = true; i.debug(); if (e("html").find('meta[content*="WordPress"]').length) { i.g.wpVersion = e("html").find('meta[content*="WordPress"]').attr("content").split("WordPress")[1] } if (e("html").find('script[src*="layerslider"]').length) { if (e("html").find('script[src*="layerslider"]').attr("src").indexOf("?") != -1) { i.g.lswpVersion = e("html").find('script[src*="layerslider"]').attr("src").split("?")[1].split("=")[1] } } i.d.aT("LayerSlider controls"); i.d.aU('prev | next | start | stop | force stop'); i.d.history.find("a").each(function () { e(this).click(function (t) { t.preventDefault(); if (e(this).text() == "force stop") { e(n).find("*").stop(true, false); e(n).layerSlider("stop") } else { e(n).layerSlider(e(this).text()) } }) }); i.d.aT("LayerSlider version information"); i.d.aU("JS version: " + i.g.version + ""); if (i.g.lswpVersion) { i.d.aL("WP version: " + i.g.lswpVersion + "") } if (i.g.wpVersion) { i.d.aL("WordPress version: " + i.g.wpVersion + "") } i.d.aL("jQuery version: " + e().jquery + ""); if (e(n).attr("id")) { i.d.aT("LayerSlider container"); i.d.aU("#" + e(n).attr("id")) } i.d.aT("Init code"); i.d.aeU(); for (var s in i.o) { i.d.aL(s + ": " + i.o[s] + "") } if (! || == "" || !i.o.skinsPath || i.o.skinsPath == "") { i.d.aT("Loading without skin. Possibilities: mistyped skin and / or skinsPath."); i.init() } else { i.d.aT("Trying to load with skin: " +, true); e(n).addClass("ls-" +; var o = i.o.skinsPath + + "/style.css"; cssContainer = e("head"); if (!e("head").length) { cssContainer = e("body") } if (e('link[href="' + o + '"]').length) { i.d.aU('Skin "' + + '" is already loaded.'); u = e('link[href="' + o + '"]') } else { if (document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet(o); var u = e('link[href="' + o + '"]') } else { var u = e('').appendTo(cssContainer) } } u.load(function () { if (!i.g.loaded) { i.d.aU("curSkin.load(); fired"); i.g.loaded = true; i.init() } }); e(window).load(function () { if (!i.g.loaded) { i.d.aU("$(window).load(); fired"); i.g.loaded = true; i.init() } }); setTimeout(function () { if (!i.g.loaded) { i.d.aT("Fallback mode: Neither curSkin.load(); or $(window).load(); were fired"); i.g.loaded = true; i.init() } }, 2e3) } } }; i.init = function () { i.d.aT("FUNCTION ls.init();"); i.d.aeU(); i.g.sliderWidth = function () { return e(n).width() }; i.g.sliderHeight = function () { return e(n).height() }; if (e(n).find(".ls-layer").length == 1) { i.o.autoStart = false; i.o.navPrevNext = false; i.o.navStartStop = false; i.o.navButtons = false; i.o.loops = 0; i.o.forceLoopNum = false; i.o.autoPauseSlideshow = true; i.o.firstLayer = 1; i.o.thumbnailNavigation = "disabled" } i.d.aL("Number of layers found: " + e(n).find(".ls-layer").length + ""); if (i.o.width) { i.g.sliderOriginalWidthRU = i.g.sliderOriginalWidth = "" + i.o.width } else { i.g.sliderOriginalWidthRU = i.g.sliderOriginalWidth = e(n)[0].style.width } i.d.aL("sliderOriginalWidth: " + i.g.sliderOriginalWidth + ""); if (i.o.height) { i.g.sliderOriginalHeight = "" + i.o.height } else { i.g.sliderOriginalHeight = e(n)[0].style.height } i.d.aL("sliderOriginalHeight: " + i.g.sliderOriginalHeight + ""); if (i.g.sliderOriginalWidth.indexOf("%") == -1 && i.g.sliderOriginalWidth.indexOf("px") == -1) { i.g.sliderOriginalWidth += "px" } if (i.g.sliderOriginalHeight.indexOf("%") == -1 && i.g.sliderOriginalHeight.indexOf("px") == -1) { i.g.sliderOriginalHeight += "px" } if (i.o.responsive && i.g.sliderOriginalWidth.indexOf("px") != -1 && i.g.sliderOriginalHeight.indexOf("px") != -1) { i.g.responsiveMode = true } else { i.g.responsiveMode = false } e(n).find('*[class*="ls-s"], *[class*="ls-bg"]').each(function () { if (!e(this).parent().hasClass("ls-layer")) { e(this).insertBefore(e(this).parent()) } }); e(n).find(".ls-layer").each(function () { e(this).children(':not([class*="ls-"])').each(function () { e(this).remove() }) }); i.d.aT("LayerSlider Content"); e(n).find('.ls-layer, *[class*="ls-s"]').each(function () { if (e(this).hasClass("ls-layer")) { i.d.aU("LAYER " + (e(this).index() + 1) + ""); i.d.aUU(); i.d.aL("LAYER " + (e(this).index() + 1) + " properties:

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i.g.layersNum : i.g.curLayerIndex - 1; i.g.prevNext = "prev"; i.change(t, i.g.prevNext) } }; = function (e) { if (!i.o.randomSlideshow) { if (!(i.g.curLayerIndex < i.g.layersNum)) { i.g.nextLoop += 1 } if (i.g.nextLoop > i.o.loops && i.o.loops > 0 && !e) { i.g.nextLoop = 0; i.stop(); if (i.o.forceLoopNum == false) { i.o.loops = 0 } } else { var t = i.g.curLayerIndex < i.g.layersNum ? i.g.curLayerIndex + 1 : 1; i.g.prevNext = "next"; i.change(t, i.g.prevNext) } } else if (!e) { var t = i.g.curLayerIndex; var n = function () { t = Math.floor(Math.random() * i.g.layersNum) + 1; if (t == i.g.curLayerIndex) { n() } else { i.g.prevNext = "next"; i.change(t, i.g.prevNext) } }; n() } else if (e) { var t = i.g.curLayerIndex < i.g.layersNum ? i.g.curLayerIndex + 1 : 1; i.g.prevNext = "next"; i.change(t, i.g.prevNext) } }; i.change = function (t, r) { if (i.g.pausedByVideo == true) { i.g.pausedByVideo = false; i.g.autoSlideshow = i.g.originalAutoSlideshow; i.g.curLayer.find('iframe[src*="www.youtu"], iframe[src*="player.vimeo"]').each(function () { e(this).parent().find(".ls-vpcontainer").fadeIn(, function () { e(this).parent().find("iframe").attr("src", "") }) }) } e(n).find('iframe[src*="www.youtu"], iframe[src*="player.vimeo"]').each(function () { clearTimeout(e(this).data("videoTimer")) }); clearTimeout(i.g.slideTimer); i.g.nextLayerIndex = t; i.g.nextLayer = e(n).find(".ls-layer:eq(" + (i.g.nextLayerIndex - 1) + ")"); if (!r) { if (i.g.curLayerIndex < i.g.nextLayerIndex) { i.g.prevNext = "next" } else { i.g.prevNext = "prev" } } var s = 0; if (e(n).find('iframe[src*="www.youtu"], iframe[src*="player.vimeo"]').length > 0) { s = } setTimeout(function () { i.imgPreload(i.g.nextLayer, function () { i.animate() }) }, s) }; i.imgPreload = function (t, n) { if (i.o.imgPreload) { var r = []; var s = 0; if (t.css("background-image") != "none" && t.css("background-image").indexOf("url") != -1) { var o = t.css("background-image"); o = o.match(/url\((.*)\)/)[1].replace(/"/gi, ""); r.push(o) } t.find("img").each(function () { r.push(e(this).attr("src")) }); t.find("*").each(function () { if (e(this).css("background-image") != "none" && e(this).css("background-image").indexOf("url") != -1) { var t = e(this).css("background-image"); t = t.match(/url\((.*)\)/)[1].replace(/"/gi, ""); r.push(t) } }); if (r.length == 0) { i.makeResponsive(t, n) } else { for (x = 0; x < r.length; x++) { e("").load(function () { if (++s == r.length) { i.makeResponsive(t, n) } }).attr("src", r[x]) } } } else { i.makeResponsive(t, n) } }; i.makeResponsive = function (t, r, s) { if (!s) { t.css({ visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }) } i.resizeSlider(); if (i.o.thumbnailNavigation == "always") { i.resizeThumb() } for (var o = 0; o < t.children().length; o++) { var u = t.children(":eq(" + o + ")"); var a ="originalLeft") ?"originalLeft") : "0"; var f ="originalTop") ?"originalTop") : "0"; if ("a") && u.children().length > 0) { u = u.children() } var l ="originalWidth") ? 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(i.g.sliderWidth() - i.o.sublayerContainer) / 2 : 0; T = T < 0 ? 0 : T; if (a.indexOf("%") != -1) { u.css({ left: i.g.sliderWidth() / 100 * parseInt(a) - x.width() / 2 - h - m }) } else if (T > 0 || i.g.responsiveMode || i.o.responsiveUnder > 0) { u.css({ left: T + parseInt(a) * i.g.ratio }) } if (f.indexOf("%") != -1) { u.css({ top: i.g.sliderHeight() / 100 * parseInt(f) - x.height() / 2 - d - y }) } else if (i.g.responsiveMode || i.o.responsiveUnder > 0) { u.css({ top: parseInt(f) * i.g.ratio }) } } else { u.css({ width: "auto", height: "auto" }); l = u.width(); c = u.height(); u.css({ width: l * i.g.ratio, height: c * i.g.ratio, marginLeft: -(l * i.g.ratio / 2) + "px", marginTop: -(c * i.g.ratio / 2) + "px" }) } } if (!s) { t.css({ display: "none", visibility: "visible" }) } e(n).find(".ls-shadow").css({ height: e(n).find(".ls-shadow").data("originalHeight") * i.g.ratio }); r(); e(this).dequeue() }; i.resizeYourLogo = function () { i.g.yourLogo.css({ width:"originalWidth") * i.g.ratio, height:"originalHeight") * i.g.ratio }).fadeIn(300); var t = oR = oT = oB = "auto"; if ("originalLeft") &&"originalLeft").indexOf("%") != -1) { t = i.g.sliderWidth() / 100 * parseInt("originalLeft")) - i.g.yourLogo.width() / 2 + parseInt(e(n).css("padding-left")) } else { t = parseInt("originalLeft")) * i.g.ratio } if ("originalRight") &&"originalRight").indexOf("%") != -1) { oR = i.g.sliderWidth() / 100 * parseInt("originalRight")) - i.g.yourLogo.width() / 2 + parseInt(e(n).css("padding-right")) } else { oR = parseInt("originalRight")) * i.g.ratio } if ("originalTop") &&"originalTop").indexOf("%") != -1) { oT = i.g.sliderHeight() / 100 * parseInt("originalTop")) - i.g.yourLogo.height() / 2 + parseInt(e(n).css("padding-top")) } else { oT = parseInt("originalTop")) * i.g.ratio } if ("originalBottom") &&"originalBottom").indexOf("%") != -1) { oB = i.g.sliderHeight() / 100 * parseInt("originalBottom")) - i.g.yourLogo.height() / 2 + parseInt(e(n).css("padding-bottom")) } else { oB = parseInt("originalBottom")) * i.g.ratio } i.g.yourLogo.css({ left: t, right: oR, top: oT, bottom: oB }) }; i.resizeThumb = function () { e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide a").css({ width: parseInt(i.o.tnWidth * i.g.ratio), height: parseInt(i.o.tnHeight * i.g.ratio) }); e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide a:last").css({ margin: 0 }); e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide").css({ height: parseInt(i.o.tnHeight * i.g.ratio) }); var t = e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail"); var r = i.o.tnContainerWidth.indexOf("%") == -1 ? parseInt(i.o.tnContainerWidth) : parseInt(parseInt(i.g.sliderOriginalWidth) / 100 * parseInt(i.o.tnContainerWidth)); t.css({ width: r * Math.floor(i.g.ratio * 100) / 100 }); if (t.width() > e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide").width()) { t.css({ width: e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide").width() }) } }; i.changeThumb = function (t) { var r = t ? t : i.g.nextLayerIndex; e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide a:not(.ls-thumb-" + r + ")").children().each(function () { e(this).removeClass("ls-thumb-active").stop().fadeTo(750, i.o.tnInactiveOpacity / 100) }); e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide" + r).children().addClass("ls-thumb-active").stop().fadeTo(750, i.o.tnActiveOpacity / 100) }; i.scrollThumb = function () { if (!e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide-container").hasClass("ls-thumbnail-slide-hover")) { var t = e(n).find(".ls-thumb-active").length ? e(n).find(".ls-thumb-active").parent() : false; if (t) { var r = t.position().left + t.width() / 2; var i = e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide-container").width() / 2 - r; i = i > 0 ? 0 : i; i = i < e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide-container").width() - e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide").width() ? e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide-container").width() - e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide").width() : i; e(n).find(".ls-thumbnail-slide").animate({ marginLeft: i }, 600, "easeInOutQuad") } } }; i.resizeSlider = function () { if (i.g.showSlider) { e(n).css({ visibility: "visible" }) } if (i.o.responsiveUnder > 0) { if (e(window).width() < i.o.responsiveUnder) { i.g.responsiveMode = true; i.g.sliderOriginalWidth = i.o.responsiveUnder + "px" } else { i.g.responsiveMode = false; i.g.sliderOriginalWidth = i.g.sliderOriginalWidthRU; i.g.ratio = 1 } } if (i.g.responsiveMode) { var t = e(n).parent(); e(n).css({ width: t.width() - parseInt(t.css("padding-left")) - parseInt(t.css("padding-right")) - parseInt(e(n).css("padding-left")) - parseInt(e(n).css("padding-right")) }); i.g.ratio = e(n).width() / parseInt(i.g.sliderOriginalWidth); e(n).css({ height: i.g.ratio * parseInt(i.g.sliderOriginalHeight) }) } else { i.g.ratio = 1; e(n).css({ width: i.g.sliderOriginalWidth, height: i.g.sliderOriginalHeight }) } if (e(n).closest(".ls-wp-fullwidth-container").length) { e(n).closest(".ls-wp-fullwidth-helper").css({ height: e(n).outerHeight(true) }); e(n).closest(".ls-wp-fullwidth-container").css({ height: e(n).outerHeight(true) }); e(n).closest(".ls-wp-fullwidth-helper").css({ width: e(window).width(), left: -e(n).closest(".ls-wp-fullwidth-container").offset().left }); if (i.g.sliderOriginalWidth.indexOf("%") != -1) { var r = parseInt(i.g.sliderOriginalWidth); var s = e("body").width() / 100 * r - (e(n).outerWidth() - e(n).width()); e(n).width(s) } } e(n).find(".ls-inner").css({ width: i.g.sliderWidth(), height: i.g.sliderHeight() }); if (i.g.curLayer && i.g.nextLayer) { i.g.curLayer.css({ width: i.g.sliderWidth(), height: i.g.sliderHeight() }); i.g.nextLayer.css({ width: i.g.sliderWidth(), height: i.g.sliderHeight() }) } else { e(n).find(".ls-layer").css({ width: i.g.sliderWidth(), height: i.g.sliderHeight() }) } }; i.animate = function () { var t = i.g.curLayer; i.o.cbAnimStart(i.g); i.g.isAnimating = true; if (i.o.thumbnailNavigation == "always") { i.changeThumb(); i.scrollThumb() } i.g.nextLayer.addClass("ls-animating"); var r = curLayerRight = curLayerTop = curLayerBottom = nextLayerLeft = nextLayerRight = nextLayerTop = nextLayerBottom = layerMarginLeft = layerMarginRight = layerMarginTop = layerMarginBottom = "auto"; var s = nextLayerWidth = i.g.sliderWidth(); var o = nextLayerHeight = i.g.sliderHeight(); var u = i.g.prevNext == "prev" ? i.g.curLayer : i.g.nextLayer; var a ="slidedirection") ?"slidedirection") : i.o.slideDirection; var f = i.g.slideDirections[i.g.prevNext][a]; if (f == "left" || f == "right") { s = curLayerTop = nextLayerWidth = nextLayerTop = 0; layerMarginTop = 0 } if (f == "top" || f == "bottom") { o = r = nextLayerHeight = nextLayerLeft = 0; layerMarginLeft = 0 } switch (f) { case "left": curLayerRight = nextLayerLeft = 0; layerMarginLeft = -i.g.sliderWidth(); break; case "right": r = nextLayerRight = 0; layerMarginLeft = i.g.sliderWidth(); break; case "top": curLayerBottom = nextLayerTop = 0; layerMarginTop = -i.g.sliderHeight(); break; case "bottom": curLayerTop = nextLayerBottom = 0; layerMarginTop = i.g.sliderHeight(); break } i.g.curLayer.css({ left: r, right: curLayerRight, top: curLayerTop, bottom: curLayerBottom }); i.g.nextLayer.css({ width: nextLayerWidth, height: nextLayerHeight, left: nextLayerLeft, right: nextLayerRight, top: nextLayerTop, bottom: nextLayerBottom }); if (i.o.animateFirstLayer && i.g.layersNum == 1) { var l = 0 } else { var l ="delayout") ? parseInt("delayout")) : i.o.delayOut; var c ="durationout") ? parseInt("durationout")) : i.o.durationOut; var h ="easingout") ?"easingout") : i.o.easingOut; i.g.curLayer.delay(l + c / 15).animate({ width: s, height: o }, c, h, function () { t.find(' > *[class*="ls-s"]').stop(true, true); i.g.curLayer = i.g.nextLayer; i.g.curLayerIndex = i.g.nextLayerIndex; e(n).find(".ls-layer").removeClass("ls-active"); e(n).find(".ls-layer:eq(" + (i.g.curLayerIndex - 1) + ")").addClass("ls-active").removeClass("ls-animating"); e(n).find(".ls-bottom-slidebuttons a").removeClass("ls-nav-active"); e(n).find(".ls-bottom-slidebuttons a:eq(" + (i.g.curLayerIndex - 1) + ")").addClass("ls-nav-active"); i.g.isAnimating = false; i.o.cbAnimStop(i.g); if (i.g.autoSlideshow) { i.timer() } }); i.g.curLayer.find(' > *[class*="ls-s"]').each(function () { var t = e(this).data("slidedirection") ? e(this).data("slidedirection") : f; var n, r; switch (t) { case "left": n = -i.g.sliderWidth(); r = 0; break; case "right": n = i.g.sliderWidth(); r = 0; break; case "top": r = -i.g.sliderHeight(); n = 0; break; case "bottom": r = i.g.sliderHeight(); n = 0; break } var s = e(this).data("slideoutdirection") ? 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